7 Biology Themed Books You Should Definitely Check Out
Welcome back to our informal book club! As a biological researcher, I have been all to familiar with biological readings not of the textbook or academic kind. While so much of my life is already consumed with the constant influx of new knowledge and discoveries in my field, I love visiting these texts on my off-time to give myself the space to consider the current state of medicine, our culture, and to re-evaluate my purpose. While there are so many gems in the book market pertaining to biology, it is also highly saturated in unregulated pseudo-science, which is why I curated the list today. All these selections are ones I have read and enjoyed myself, and I can confirm that the mentioned information is supported by scientific method and based off of accepted truths.
There is no such thing as perfection, only the relentless, thirsty matching of an organism to its environment. That is the engine that drives evolution.